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OfficeAgent Visitor Rules

OfficeAgent Visitor Rules

1.1. These rules are mandatory for all Users and Guests on the Office premises.
1.2. The rules are communicated to Users and Guests via the website https://promo.trendagent.ae/officeagent and/or in printed form upon visiting the Office.
1.3. By booking a place electronically through the website https://promo.trendagent.ae/officeagent, including using the External YCLIENTS service, and/or visiting the Office, the User unconditionally agrees to all points of these Rules and undertakes to comply with the obligations imposed on the User and/or Guest in accordance with these Rules.
1.4. By visiting the Office, the Guest unconditionally agrees to all points of these Rules and undertakes to comply with the obligations imposed on the User and/or Guest in accordance with these Rules.
1.5. Ignorance of these Rules does not exempt the User and/or Guest from liability for their violation.
1.6. By leaving their registration data on the Website and using any other functions of the Website, the User grants TrendAgent the right to process and use their personal data in various ways in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data." The procedure for processing personal data is regulated by the Privacy Policy posted on the Website.
1.7. Each Party guarantees the other Party that it possesses the necessary legal capacity and authority to accept and perform the conditions of these Rules. The current version of the Rules is offered to the User for review before accepting the terms on the Website.
1.8. The User has the right to use office equipment and stationery provided by TrendAgent and available for use.
1.9. Upon the User's request, TrendAgent may provide the User with a laptop and/or charger. To receive these items, the User should contact the Administrator.
1.10. The office contains brochures and other advertising and informational materials provided by Developers. The User may use these materials for presentations to Guests both within and outside the Office.
1.11. The Office is a space for the User's independent activities. The User is not in any employment or other compensatory civil-law relationship with LLC “TrendAgent Novostroiki.”
1.12. The Office is located in a building listed in the registry of cultural heritage sites. The building is subject to the conditions of Protection Obligation No. 8092 dated 06.05.2008 for the cultural heritage site of regional significance "Trading House of the Guards Economic Society (4 front houses with wings)." When visiting the Office, Users and Guests must comply with all rules for the proper operation of the building, as well as the norms of Federal Law No. 73-FZ dated 25.06.2002 "On Objects of Cultural Heritage (Monuments of History and Culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation."
1.13. For non-compliance with these Rules, TrendAgent may temporarily or permanently deny the violator access to the Office.

2.1. The Office is open daily from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
2.2. Access to the Office is by prior reservation through the External YCLIENTS service form available on the website https://promo.trendagent.ae/officeagent.
2.3. When booking a place, the User provides the following information: surname, name, real estate agency name, phone number, and email address.
2.4. TrendAgent undertakes not to distribute the User's personal information, except as required by the laws of the Russian Federation, these Rules, and the Privacy Policy.
2.5. The User may book one of the following available places:
2.5.1. A place for one User, intended for non-negotiation activities.
2.5.2. A place for 2 to 4 Users and/or Guests for negotiations.
2.5.3. A meeting room for up to 6 Users and/or Guests.
2.6. When booking a place, the User must provide accurate, current, and complete information as requested by the registration forms on the Website or the External service. TrendAgent is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the User when booking a place in the Office.
2.7. When booking a place, the User indicates the date and time of the Office visit, the purpose of the visit, and the specific place with the number of Guests planning to visit the Office.
2.8. For places booked under clauses 2.5.2. and 2.5.3. of these Rules, the place is provided to the User for no more than 2 hours.
2.9. For places booked under clause 2.5.1. of these Rules, the place is provided to the User for no more than 6 hours.
2.10. If the User does not occupy the booked place within 15 minutes from the start of the reserved period, the Administrator has the right to cancel the booking and offer the place to another User.
2.11. The User may book a place for the following activities:
2.11.1. Meetings between the User and the Guest, including using the Website, if necessary, with the participation of TrendAgent specialists.
2.11.2. Consultations from TrendAgent specialists on mortgage and insurance programs, and features of transactions such as assignments of claim rights and contracts for acquiring real estate rights.
2.11.4. Independent work related to entrepreneurial activities (realtor, agency, transaction support) using the Website, including but not limited to organizing the process of recording and booking, and reflecting the transaction stage between the Guest and the property owner.

3.1. Upon the User's request, TrendAgent may provide the User with a laptop and/or charger. To receive these items, the User should contact the Administrator.
3.2. Before using the place and office equipment, the User must visually inspect them.
3.3. If any damage or defects are found in the reserved place and/or office equipment, the User must inform the Administrator.
3.4. If minor damages are found during the inspection by the Administrator and the User that do not prevent the use of the place, the User may occupy the reserved place after drawing up a Damage Report with the Administrator.
3.5. The Damage Report should include: User's full name, date and time of the report, location of the reserved place, and a list of identified damages.
3.6. Changing the reserved place is possible only by agreement with the Administrator and under the following conditions:
3.6.1. Availability of other free places in the Office that meet the User's request for the number of Guests and time of use.
3.6.2. Significant damages that hinder the use of the reserved place for its intended purpose were found during the visual inspection with the Administrator.
3.7. After the usage period of the reserved place, the User must return the place and office equipment in the same condition as received. The return is done by notifying the Administrator for inspection.
3.8. If damages are found during the inspection by the Administrator, the Administrator has the right to unilaterally draw up a Damage Report, including the details specified in clause 3.5 of these Rules.
3.9. If damages are found in the office equipment during the return inspection by the Administrator, the Administrator has the right to unilaterally draw up a Damage Report.
3.10. The User agrees to compensate TrendAgent for any costs associated with repairing damages caused by the User and/or Guest.
3.11. TrendAgent has the right to require the replacement of furniture or decor items damaged by the User and/or Guest.
3.12. The cost of repairing furniture or decor items is determined based on the Furniture and Interior Items Specification available with the Administrator.
3.13. The cost of repairing damages to floors, walls, doors, and other building components caused by the User and/or Guest is determined based on a report by an appraisal company hired by TrendAgent or a claim from the property/building owner. The cost of the appraisal services is borne by the User and included in the repair costs.
3.14. The cost of repairing damages to office equipment is based on the market price for the repair or replacement of the equipment if it cannot be further used.
3.15. The Parties may agree on a different procedure and method for repairing damages caused by the User and/or Guest by drawing up a Settlement Agreement.

When visiting the Office, the User and Guest must:
4.1. Use the reserved place only for the intended purposes specified in clause 2.11 of these Rules.
4.2. Comply with these Rules, safety regulations, fire safety rules, sanitary-hygienic norms, and common standards as provided by the laws of the Russian Federation.
4.3. Maintain order and cleanliness in the reserved place and common areas of the Office.
4.4. Treat all property in the Office and other Visitors' and Guests' property with care.
4.5. Treat the building housing the Office with care, ensuring its proper use and preservation of the cultural heritage site.
4.6. Comply with the provisions of Federal Law No. 73-FZ dated 25.06.2002 "On Objects of Cultural Heritage (Monuments of History and Culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation" when visiting the Office.
4.7. Switch phones and other personal communication devices to vibrate or silent mode.
4.8. Use headphones when listening to music, watching videos with sound, or conducting remote negotiations using video conferencing.
4.9. Keep the restroom clean.
4.10. If TrendAgent consents to the placement of advertising or other materials by the User, the User may only place informational materials within the Office. Placing any informational and/or advertising materials outside the Office is prohibited. After the reservation period, the User must remove all brought-in advertising and/or other informational materials.
4.11. Follow TrendAgent's standards and safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
4.12. Respect TrendAgent's intellectual property rights regarding the "TRENDAGENT" trademark, the Website, or any of its elements, including refraining from copying, broadcasting, distributing, publishing, or otherwise disseminating or reproducing materials (text, graphics, audio-video) posted by TrendAgent or third parties on the Website without written consent from TrendAgent.
4.13. Inform Guests invited to OfficeAgent of these Rules.
4.14. Vacate the reserved place, taking all personal belongings and trash, after the reservation period ends.
4.15. Report any malfunctions and/or emergency situations immediately to TrendAgent via the Administrator or by phone: +7 969 706 43 59 or email officeagent@trendagent.ae.
4.16. Compensate TrendAgent for any losses associated with violations of these Rules or damage to Office property.

Users and Guests are prohibited from:
5.1. Damaging office equipment provided by TrendAgent.
5.2. Providing false or fictitious information when booking a place.
5.3. Arriving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicants.
5.4. Smoking any tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, IQOS, vapes, hookahs, etc.
5.5. Consuming any alcoholic beverages.
5.6. Eating food in the reserved place or common areas of the Office.
5.7. Using obscene language.
5.8. Disrupting the activities of other Users in the Office.
5.9. Leaving trash, including household and industrial waste, and flammable or explosive materials in the Office, business center, or surrounding area.
5.10. Using the reserved place for purposes not specified in clause 2.11 of these Rules.
5.11. Bringing firearms, gas, cold weapons, poisonous, radioactive, chemical, explosive substances, or other dangerous items into the Office.
5.12. Engaging in activities that inconvenience other Users, Guests, the Administrator, or third parties, or that pose a danger to others.
5.13. Entering the Office in dirty, soiled, or foul-smelling clothing or footwear.
5.14. Changing the arrangement, position, or location of furniture, decor, equipment, or any property in the Office without prior written consent from TrendAgent.
5.15. Making permanent improvements, reconstructions, or alterations to the Office.
5.16. Removing any property or other valuables from the Office that do not belong to the User or Guest.
5.17. Attempting to fix equipment malfunctions independently.
5.18. Connecting any household electrical appliances not classified as office equipment or chargers.
5.19. Connecting to other engineering communications in the Office or business center without prior written consent from TrendAgent.
5.20. Connecting and using electrical appliances that exceed the technical capacity of the Office's electrical network.
5.21. Connecting and using household appliances and equipment without technical passports or that do not meet safety requirements.
5.22. Entering areas of the Office designated for administrative use by the Administrator and/or TrendAgent.
5.23. Transferring the reserved place to third parties not registered on the Website. Third parties are defined as those conducting business activities not invited as Guests by the User.
5.24. Offering products and services unrelated to the User's business activities (real estate, agency, transaction support) using the Website to other Users, Guests, or third parties in the Office and business center.
5.25. Placing signs, advertising, promotional materials, or any other materials within the reserved place, Office, interiors, or on the business center facade without prior written consent from TrendAgent.

6.1. For violating the prohibitions outlined in Section 5 of these Rules, the Administrator has the right to demand that the User and/or Guest immediately leave the Office premises with their belongings and/or call law enforcement.
6.2. For violations of Section 5 of these Rules, TrendAgent has the right to impose a fine of 5000 (five thousand) rubles for each violation.
6.3. If the User places advertising or other materials without TrendAgent's permission, TrendAgent has the right to dispose of such materials independently or with third-party assistance, with all expenses and losses charged to the User.
6.4. Users and Guests are independently responsible to government authorities and other organizations for violations related to the use of the Office, reserved place, or legislative requirements, including consumer protection, advertising, fire safety, sanitary and environmental norms, and COVID-19 safety measures.
6.5. The User is solely responsible to the Guest for all actions taken in fulfilling obligations to the Guest. The User independently satisfies the Guest's claims based on the contract between the User and the Guest, as well as the Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On Consumer Rights Protection" and other legislative acts.
6.6. The User and/or Guest must reimburse TrendAgent for any fines, penalties, or other sanctions imposed on TrendAgent by any authorities or organizations due to the User's and/or Guest's violation of Russian Federation laws or these Rules while on the Office premises or surrounding area within 5 (five) business days from receiving the relevant claim from TrendAgent.
6.7. In case of damage to property, decor, repairs, or other components of the reserved place or common areas of the Office, caused by the User and/or Guest, the User and/or Guest must compensate TrendAgent for the losses, including proven lost profits, upon TrendAgent's written demand within 5 (five) banking days from receiving such a demand.

Unless otherwise provided by mandatory law, TrendAgent is not responsible for:
7.1. The safety of personal belongings of Users and/or Guests left in the Office or any other places within the Office building.
7.2. Harm or damage to Users or Guests caused by power or heat supply interruptions, water supply failures, sewage malfunctions, or communication outages due to actions or omissions by third parties, including decisions by authorities, actions by the building's maintenance organization, repairs, accidents, or actions or omissions by Users.
7.3. Actions taken by the User when providing services to the Guest or fulfilling the Guest's requests. TrendAgent is not a party to the relationship between the User and the Guest and is therefore not responsible for the User's actions.
7.4. Violations of these Rules or other mandatory requirements by the User and/or Guest, including fire safety, sanitary-hygienic norms, and common standards of morality and decency. The User and/or Guest must independently compensate for any damage or loss caused by such violations.
7.5. TrendAgent is not responsible if the User and/or Guest uses TrendAgent's communication means and equipment for illegal purposes. The User and/or Guest must compensate TrendAgent for any losses associated with such illegal use. TrendAgent does not ensure the confidentiality of the User's trade secrets or other confidential information and is not responsible for their disclosure.
7.6. TrendAgent is not responsible for the User's failure to achieve the expected results from using the Office and its infrastructure.
7.7. TrendAgent is not responsible for any discrepancies between the Office and the User's and/or Guest's expectations.
7.8. The Website may contain links to external services. TrendAgent is not responsible for the operation of such services or the information posted on them. Claims related to the operation of external services should be directed to their support services.
7.9. Users visiting the Office are independent business entities. There are no employment or other compensatory civil-law relationships between the User and TrendAgent, and the Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On Consumer Rights Protection" does not apply to the relationships between TrendAgent, the User, and the Guest.

8.1. Users and Guests are provided with free Internet access within the Office.
8.2. Users and Guests access the Internet by connecting to the Office's WI-FI network, following the established identification procedure.
8.3. TrendAgent makes all efforts to ensure reliable and secure Internet access, but it is provided without guarantees of access speed, compatibility with User's equipment and software, or the functionality of specific services required by the User.
8.4. Users and Guests must ensure the security of their electronic data in case of possible power outages in the Office.

9.1. TrendAgent is not responsible for the safety of Users' and Guests' personal belongings. The relationship between the Parties, including adherence to these Rules, does not constitute a storage contract or any other contract that imposes responsibility on TrendAgent for the safety of any User's or Guest's property.
9.2. TrendAgent does not store items left by the User and/or Guest.
9.3. If User's or Guest's items are left on the Office premises and found by TrendAgent, the Administrator may notify the User within 1 (one) business day from the discovery via phone or email provided by the User during booking.

10.1. For security and compliance with these Rules, video surveillance is conducted in the Office. The obtained video materials may be used by TrendAgent as evidence of violations by Users or Guests.
10.2. In case of theft, property damage, or other violations of Russian Federation laws or these Rules, the User and/or Guest must immediately inform the Office Administrator to take measures to investigate the violations and identify the responsible parties, involving law enforcement if necessary.
10.3. TrendAgent reserves the right to restrict access to the Office entirely for special events.
10.4. TrendAgent is not responsible for interruptions or changes in electricity, heat, water supply, and sewage if caused by accidents, repairs, or maintenance by service providers, or other reasons beyond TrendAgent's control, and for any resulting damage or losses.
10.5. TrendAgent is not responsible for the quality of services provided by third-party organizations or their events.
10.6. TrendAgent has the right to deny access to the Office to the User and/or Guest without explanation.
10.7. Disputes should be resolved through negotiations if possible. Pre-trial dispute resolution is mandatory. The response period to a pre-trial claim is 10 (ten) business days from its receipt.
10.8. If an amicable resolution is not reached, disputes will be resolved by the competent court at the Office location.
10.9. TrendAgent may unilaterally amend the Rules, which become effective for all Users and Guests upon publication of the new version on the website https://promo.trendagent.ae/officeagent.