Quality Control
How your feedback improves TrendAgent service
We carefully analize each deal and strive to improve our processes and competencies of the team. CSAT is an important metric which helps us to estimate the real level of service through our partners' eyes.
We estimate and take stock each week
- employee rating
- TrendAgent offices rating
- rating for each position

Thus, each member of our team is motivated to show the best result on their zone.
Making conclusions
Based on feedback:

- we implement new quality standards
- reward and encourage the best employees
- work on mistakes

We also build strong relationships with our partners - Developers, Banks and Insurance companies, working on each unusual situation in details. To make all the links in the chain work perfectly.
Metrics today
94% of our partners rate our work as Perfect and Good, but we are perfectionists and thrive to 100%. And that means we have the space to grow. Your feedback helps us to set the right vectors for the further development.
CSAT - customer satisfaction score
Best empoyees in aspect of service.
II quarter of 2023 results
Our partners' feedback
How it works
You book an apartment on TrendAgent
Booking request
Your feedback is strictly anonymous and is only seen by quality control department
Rate work
Due to your ratings we make new quality standards and increase the level of service in our work with partners
You may rate the quality of work on every stage of a deal