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Advertising Labeling
до 28 февраля

Since 09/01/2022, online advertisements must be labeled, with certain exceptions.

These are the most relevant questions and answers:

Any information, if:
1) draws consumers' attention to specific goods, works, or services
2) adressed to the general public

In what specific situations is it necessary to label information?

  • If you place advertisements for real estate properties or developers with bloggers, brands not related to real estate sales, and on non-specialized websites.

Website announcement with poster of new residential complex sales launch in Moscow — advertisement
A post on a beauty channel about a great mortgage deal for apartments in a residential complex — advertisement
A Blogger’s story about choosing apartments from a developer — advertisement
  • If information draws attention to a specific property or developer.

Yes, advertisements placed on websites related to real estate sales are counted.
  • In real estate agency social media posts.

Are you talking about a particular apartment or presenting a residential complex? The FAS can review publications such as advertising.
  • Posting curated listings of real estate properties on social media pages of real estate agencies.

Yes, this might sound complicated because most social media posts by real estate agencies and developers formally fall under advertising. At the same time, we see that many developers and real estate agencies don’t label their posts. You can refer to your larger colleagues, but keep in mind that regulatory bodies may have their own opinion on advertising materials.

We recommend labeling such posts until the legal precedent is set, in order to avoid potential risks.

Conclusion: If you provide information to consumers, discuss the market broadly, and don’t emphasize a specific property or developer, you can avoid advertising labeling laws. It’s all about presentation.

But how exactly can i attract buyers' attention to specific properties? There’s also an alternative — posting information about several properties in one post, ideally from different developers. You can also publish selections on general themes. For example, "Apartments with panoramic windows", "Apartments with a price up to 1 million", etc.
Any information, if:
1) draws consumers' attention to specific goods, works, or services
2) adressed to the general public

In what specific situations is it necessary to label information?

  • If you place advertisements for real estate properties or developers with bloggers, brands not related to real estate sales, and on non-specialized websites.

Website announcement with poster of new residential complex sales launch in Moscow — advertisement
A post on a beauty channel about a great mortgage deal for apartments in a residential complex — advertisement
A Blogger’s story about choosing apartments from a developer — advertisement
  • If information draws attention to a specific property or developer.

Yes, advertisements placed on websites related to real estate sales are counted.
  • В постах в соц. сетях агентств недвижимости.

Are you talking about a particular apartment or presenting a residential complex? The FAS can review publications such as advertising.
  • Posting curated listings of real estate properties on social media pages of real estate agencies.

Yes, this might sound complicated because most social media posts by real estate agencies and developers formally fall under advertising. At the same time, we see that many developers and real estate agencies don’t label their posts. You can refer to your larger colleagues, but keep in mind that regulatory bodies may have their own opinion on advertising materials.

We recommend labeling such posts until the legal precedent is set, in order to avoid potential risks.

Conclusion: If you provide information to consumers, discuss the market broadly, and don’t emphasize a specific property or developer, you can avoid advertising labeling laws. It’s all about presentation.

But how exactly can i attract buyers' attention to specific properties? There’s also an alternative — posting information about several properties in one post, ideally from different developers. You can also publish selections on general themes. For example, "Apartments with panoramic windows", "Apartments with a price up to 1 million", etc.