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TrendAgent switches to EDM with partners
до 28 февраля
Electronic document management is easy
Interactions with conrtactors and Federal Tax Service
Get documents fast
Transparent process
Advantages of Jump.Rabota

  • You can use an electronic signature provided free of charge by the platform without needing to purchase it separately
  • No need to visit an office and sign documents on paper – this saves time and resources. You can sign closing documents anytime and anywhere
  • Simple process for registering and connecting to electronic document management
  • No need for paper documentation or storage
Instructions for connecting
  • Первая часть КВ: при оплате 20% +4% (DLD) и дистанционного подписания SPA
  • Вторая часть КВ: при подписании физической копии SPA и ее получения застройщиком
  • Первая часть КВ: при оплате 10% + 4% (DLD)
  • Вторая часть КВ: при оплате 20% + 4% (DLD)
Peak Summit
  • Первая часть КВ: при оплате 10% + уведомление от застройщика о подтверждении сделки
  • Вторая часть КВ: после подписания SPA, внесения еще не менее 10% от покупной цены +4% (DLD) + Oqood.
Также необходимо уведомление от застройщика о подтверждении сделки
Peak Summit
  • Первая часть КВ: при оплате 10% + уведомление от застройщика о подтверждении сделки
  • Вторая часть КВ: после подписания SPA, внесения еще не менее 10% от покупной цены +4% (DLD) + Oqood.
Также необходимо уведомление от застройщика о подтверждении сделки
Peak Summit
  • Первая часть КВ: при оплате 10% + уведомление от застройщика о подтверждении сделки
  • Вторая часть КВ: после подписания SPA, внесения еще не менее 10% от покупной цены +4% (DLD) + Oqood.
Также необходимо уведомление от застройщика о подтверждении сделки
Step 1. Follow the link sent by the TrendAgent employee and install the app.
Step 2. Confirm partnership with Jump.Rabota

Open the «My Tax» app, go to the Other tab – Partners section
In the «Available» tab, you will see Jump.Rabota – select the partner
Step 3. Grant permissions to the service

Scroll down and click «Allow»
Step 4. Install Jump.Rabota and sign in

Download the Jump.Rabota app from iOS, Google Play. Installation is also available by the link sent by TrendAgent
Log in using your phone number and enter the SMS code
Step 5. Identity verification

On the main screen, click Sign documents
Complete the identity verification process:

  1. Take a selfie
  2. Upload or take a photo of your passport
  3. Indicate your citizenship
Verification may take several hours. After it’s complete, you’ll receive a push notification asking you to review your information
Step 6. Data confirmation

After verification, ensure your information is correct. If there’s an error, click Data is incorrect
After confirming your data, an electronic signature will be issued on your device.
Important: You will only be able to sign documents on the device where you completed the identity verification process

Step 7. Signing documents

Go to the Documents section. Depending on the type of document sent to you, open the Documents or Acts section. Select the item Awaiting my signature. Review the document and, if you agree with its contents, click Sign
Использую 1С-ЭДО (Калуга Астрал)
Если вы работаете в 1С-ЭДО – мы со своей стороны сами настроим роуминг между Диадок и 1С-ЭДО. Направим Вам приглашение и закрывающие документы.
I use 1C-EDM (Kaluga Astral)
If you use 1C-EDM, we’ll set up roaming between Diadoc and 1C-EDM on our own and then we’ll send you the invitation and closing documents.
Step 1. Accept invitation to EDM following the link.

Ongoing business with EDM → Send and receive → Invitations → "Confirmation required" folder
You need to confirm the invitation by clicking "Accept" to continue working with the contractor.
You'll see the corresponding setup in Settings EDM.
Step 2. Receive an incoming document following the link.

Ongoing business with EDM → Send and receive
Depending on the type of the received document it might be automatically moved to folders "Confirm" or "Sign".
You need to double click right mouse button on the active row from the list to view the received document in Ongoing business with EDM or EDM archive. The document will be opened in a new window.
Tab "Signatures" shows the signatory (1); there’s document’s status on the left (2). You need to click "Sign and send".
I use or I'm going to use Diadoc
You’ll only need an advanced qualified electronic signature (QES) to work in EDM system Diadoc. The QES that you use to submit reports to FTS will fit.

Start work in Diadoc system by following these steps:
Step 1. Enter EDM system Diadoc. Enter.
Install the required system components following the hints below.
When you try to enter the system for the second time, you’ll get the chance to sign in using certificate (your data will be shown) → Choose the certificate of your legal entity
Step 2. Accept invitation to EDM. Contractors → Invite you → Accept invitation
Invitation's accepted.
Step 3. Get the incoming document.
Watch video-instruction
Documents → Incoming → Incoming documents (signature is required)

Sign it.
I work in SBIS
If you use SBIS, we’ll set up roaming between Diadoc and SBIS on our own and then we’ll send you the invitation and closing documents.

Step 1. You’ll only need to sign the received documents.
Documents → Incoming → Confirmation required
Step 2. Sign it.
I don't use EDM
You need to get an advanced qualified electronic signature (QES).
Step 1. Buy certified flash drive (USB token)

QES might only be issued on the certified flash drive of the USB A-type format which is certified by FSS of the Russian Federation or FSTEC. Rutoken QES 2.0 and Rutoken Lite are the most popular.

You can purchase this flash drive from the manufacturers, their distributors or EDM operators:

1. Tensor - SBIS
Rutoken Lite - 1800 ₽
You can make an order on the operator's site and then get the flash drive in a pick-up point or order a courier delivery after payment.

Average price - 1500 ₽

3. Yandex Market
Average price - 1400 ₽

4. Vending machine in FTS office. The price is 3000 ₽.
Step 2. Go to qualified certification authority in FTS to create a QES

Who might go:

  • The head of a legal entity (or any representative who is entitled to act on behalf of legal entity without letters of attorney)
  • Individual entrepreneur personally

  • Creating a QES is free.

Where you can go:
  • Certification centre of FTS in Russia. In Saint Petersburg it's Interdistrict FTS of Russia №15 in Saint Petersburg, 10-12, lit. O, Krasnogo Tekstilschika str., Saint-Petersburg, 191124.
  • You may find certification centre in your city following this link. You don't need to make appointments.
  • PAO ""Sberbank Rossii"" and AO ""Analitichesky Centr"" by VTB Bank are agents authorized by FTS.

List of required documents:
  • Identification document
  • Taxpayer Number (obligatory for individuals and all legal entity forms besides Individual Entrepreneurs)
  • Rutoken"

Step 3. You may sign up in Diadoc after receiving QES.
I'm self-employed
If you are officially registered as a self-employed, you’l need to do the following steps to switch to EDM:

Step 1. Get an advanced qualified electronic signature (QES). Individuals might get QES only in certified commercial centres.

You may find the list of these centres following the link.

There’s a choice of recording a QES to a computer or Rutoken Lite for individuals when creating a QES.

One of certified commercial centres is AO "Proizvodstvennaya firma "SKB Kontur"". You need to fill in a form on the site to get a QES.
A manager will contact you and consult on creating a QES and Diadoc setup.

Approximate price of creating a recorded on computer QES is 2000 ₽ annually.

Step 2. After receiving a QES you may sign up for Diadoc EDM.
Advantages of switching to EDM
How it works
Get an advanced qualified electronic signature (QES)
Sign up in Kontur Diadoc
Register QES in FTS or accredited centre
Accept invitation to EDM with TrendAgent
Save the time
Get all the documents electronically
Accept the invitation from TrendAgent via the link
Identity verification and data confirmation
Register in the Jump.Rabota app
Receive all documents electronically
Save time and money