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For agencies
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Advertising regulations
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Career opportunities
TrendAgent offices
Regional deals
Unified support service
Power is teamwork
It’s not the gods who burn the pots. And all these results have been achieved thanks to our talented team. Among them are both real estate professionals and new recruits.
Talent prefers to work with people like themselves
That’s why we build a team as enthusiastically as a LEGO constructor
Our principles
Values are values, but principles of engagement often speak more eloquently about a team. Our principles are like manifestos:
At arm's length and a word
We believe in the victory of the horizontal approach. It’s when you pull the locomotive forward together, rather than putting one on your neck to reach for the star alone.
We don't think in terms of solutions, we think in terms of tasks
We don’t like to impose a way of solving a problem. When the task holder is in love with the task, he will figure out how to organize the orchestra himself.
We fall in love with people with character and the ability to self-produce an outcome.
Our guys are the best detectors of the qualities and strengths we look for in potential colleagues.
Our experience of hiring employees based on recommendations from existing employees confirms this.
We appreciate and are inspired by guys who are successful in other spheres of life besides work. For example, our Yulia Mashenkova teaches corporate English in addition to her work in the Customer Service department. Speaking of other talents, see below.
We like to trust
The sum of a person
Hobbies and talents
A story in faces
Yulia Mashenkova
coordinator of the OfficeAgent St. Petersburg project, teaches English:
My love for language as a clear mathematical structure, full of freedom and creativity, has been with me all my life. I realized it at school, deepened it at university and realized that my love should be promoted to the masses.

My global goal is to rid as many people as possible of the unpleasant patina of poor quality school education and to show that English (and learning in general) is cool, interesting and valuable
Margo Karpova
project manager, takes photos with a film camera
I started taking pictures in 2014 with a Zenith ET film camera. I ran to spend all the money I had saved from lunch on film for 250 rubles. After 2 years, my uncle gave me a Nikon DSLR (it was a delight). But the way of the camera ended on the rocks of the Gulf of Finland. Stupidly and drunkenly smashing the camera, I later bought a digital fujifilm independantly. But no great love happened, and I gave up shooting for 2 years. Just last week I made photo cards for a friend and here it is — inspiration lured me. I’m waiting for spring and sunshine to bring ideas to life. If you have any ideas — text me, we’ll make them happen
Our work chat room on Telegram is called SEXY HR TA. Seriously.
Our HR team
At the beginning of the page we write about assembling a team like a LEGO constructor. Let's talk about it in more detail.
Rita Troitskaya
HR BP: recruitment
"My job is not just a responsibility, but an opportunity to inspire and influence the lives of others. I am passionately developing in HR in order to provide our company with the most talented employees.
My goal is to help people find the perfect jobs, and this gives me the confidence that I am living my best life."
Olya Salamova
Leading HRM
"People inspire me! In my talent search I hear thousands of motivating stories, add to my reading lists (thank you, Toma, for the book "PostLove"!) and exchange energy. A dream, not a job."
Rita Dmitrieva
HRM Saint Petersburg
"HR through life with a smile. I love my job with all my heart! I am impressed by different people, stories, and career paths.
I like being useful to the company and the candidates, and getting nice words from the new team members is my emotional boost."
Masha Krylova
HRM Saint Petersburg
"An exciting and inspiring part of my job is the opportunity to help unlock my potential, to create "matches" between talented people and the company.
For me, working at TA is about a cool and caring team, an incredible atmosphere, energy and the opportunity to do what you love."
Diana Bashkirova
HRM Moscow
"I like working in recruitment because I love helping people find the right place to work. When I help a company find the perfect candidate, and that candidate finds a job that suits him, it gives me great satisfaction."
We are published
We work with the team consciously and carefully.
Read about us.
Let's get to know each other
What are you waiting for?
We appreciate new resume formats and cool stories.
Let's get to know each other
Send your resume and we will contact you